Michael Höllermann

Member of the Supervisory Board

Principal occupation: Member of the Executive Board and Chief Human Resources Officer of the Decarbon Technologies business segment of the thyssenkrupp Group

Mr. Höllermann started his career at the former Hoesch AG in 1990, working at various companies of the thyssenkrupp Group in Germany, Brazil and Mexico in leading positions as plant manager, managing director, CSO, COO and CEO. Since October 2023, he has been appointed as member of the Executive Board and Chief Human Resources Officer of the thyssenkrupp Group’s newly established Decarbon Technologies business segment. From 2020 to 2023 he held the same roles on the Executive Board of the Multi Tracks segment. As of 2016 he was also a member of the Executive Board and Chief Human Resources Officer of thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG, taking over as Chairman of the Executive Board in 2021. Mr. Höllermann studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Dortmund and Industrial Engineering & Management at Dortmund University of Applied Science.

Further Board Seats:

Since 2023: Member of the Supervisory Board, thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH
Since 2021: Chief Executive Officer and CHRO (since 2016) of thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions AG
Since 2024: Member of the Supervisory Board of thyssenkrupp Rothe Erde Germany GmbH
Since 2024: President of the Board of Directors, Uhde Inventa Fischer AG

Other Members of the Supervisory Board

Dr. Volkmar Dinstuhl

Paolo Dellachà

Jennifer Cooper

Markus Fuhrmann

Nadja Håkansson

Dr. Cord Landsmann

Miguel Ángel López Borrego

Carolin Nadilo

Luca Oglialoro

Prof. Dr. Franca Ruhwedel

Dr. Robert Scannell

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