

ヴェルナー・ポニクヴァ― 最高経営責任者 (CEO)

Dr. Stefan Hahn – CFO

Klaus Ohlig – designated CTO (as of July 1, 2025)


Dr. Volkmar Dinstuhl

Paolo Dellachà

Jennifer Cooper

Markus Fuhrmann

Nadja Håkansson

Michael Höllermann

Dr. Cord Landsmann

Miguel Ángel López Borrego

Carolin Nadilo

Luca Oglialoro

Prof. Dr. Franca Ruhwedel

Dr. Robert Scannell

Supervisory Board Committees

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee monitors in particular the accounting process and the audit of the financial statements and reviews quarterly financial statements and half-yearly financial reports. It prepares the Supervisory Board's proposal to the Annual General Meeting regarding the approval of the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements, as well as the adoption of the proposal to the Annual General Meeting for the election of the auditor. It also deals with risk management and compliance issues.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee shall propose suitable candidates to the Supervisory Board to be proposed to the General Meeting to fill seats on the Supervisory Board.

Committee for Related Party Transactions

The Committee shall regularly assess whether transactions with related parties are conducted in the ordinary course of business and at arm's length within the meaning of § 111a (2) sentence 1 AktG.
